Under the current judicial performance evaluation program, all trial court judges are evaluated at least once every three years; the Supreme Court justices evaluate each other annually and distribute judicial performance evaluation questionnaires about the court's performance every three years.
The electronic survey program used by the Supreme Court, first implemented in 2008, was developed with guidance from the Denver-based Institute for the Advancement of the American Legal System, which has led a nationwide effort to improve judicial accountability. Responses to the electronic surveys about the Supreme Court's performance from attorneys, judges and marital masters were automatically compiled by the survey program, under the supervision of the Administrative Office of the Courts. Because their e-mail addresses were not available, surveys were mailed to a sample of self-represented litigants who brought their cases to the Supreme Court.
The Supreme Court instituted a revised judicial performance evaluation program for the entire Judicial Branch in 2001, and the results for each year are reported to the Governor and legislative leadership.
Supreme Court Rule 56 (1) (B) establishing the Advisory Committee